Well.... sips are great for walk in coolers, at least.

Tim...you don't know how true and funny this is...

Like "pink insulation" many of these "SIP Systems" were originally intended for application in the manufacture of refrigeration units (often in only hot arid locations.)

Guess what!!???

From all I have seen, studied and examined, they work great in these applications. Which of course, are the applications the original designers and material scientists had developed them for...

It's not until "industry" tries to..."MAKE THEM WORK"...(and of course make big profits on) outside of original context that we begin to see issues. Of course this take decades of "real world" application (and failures in the poor consumer's house) that the issues even begin to become apparent...and...it will take several more decades for folks like us "really looking" and examining them (plus consumer complaint and lawsuits) to ever make a significant impact on the SIP industry or use of the SIP concepts.

In the meantime...I will do my little part to make posts like this, share and exchange info, and not recommend them at all to anyone (except...maybe if I have to or I'm forced to on a project...in roof applications ONLY!!!)

