Man, things got really dead around here. I assume winter's breaking and folks are getting back to work? Much better things to do than tool around on a forum, to be sure smile

I've decided to 'start over' on my design file structure --that aforementioned order of operations thing with regards to architectural design was kicking my butt. Turns out you need a real strategy for organizing the hundreds (thousands?) of parts & assemblies that go into a structure if you want to make heads and tails of it as you go along wink. Hopefully I've learned enough from this that I won't have to reboot it a second time. So, I'm recreating most of the same geometry, but broken down into floor level, then wall direction (N/S/E/W/etc). I think it's possible to do the walls as near pre-fab, with each face a complete frame 'bent' so to speak, and this file structure should help coordinate that.

I did have (yet another) question about a framing technique I am thinking of using. If double-roofs are such a great/practical solution, why not a structural double-floor? Floor joists seem to be among the wider (taller) timbers used in a lot of designs in order to get the rigidity us humans desire, but couldn't two layers of vertically-tied smaller members function as a truss & do a better job overall (lighter, stiffer, upper/lower joints could be optimized for tension/bearing loads, easier routing, better insulation/soundproofing)? Might squeak more when walked on, I dunno...