Ya I have quite a lot of good useable pine,some too large for the woodmizer.I may have to break out the old Sperber Mill but will have to make some new slabing rails. I'm thinking I got this under control,but still going over all plans w/fine tooth comb.Happy to have two others going over my plans. I don't like surprises.I have done some small TF projects,just some basic joinery and was very happy with the results.So I'm confident in my ability to get this done properly.

I have had Jack Sobon and Rodger Schroeder's Timber Frame Construction book,I think for over 20 years now (scary) amongst others as well. And have been collecting and gathering tools for even longer. I have two boring machines,one is a Swan that I picked up 25 years ago for $75.00 and get this,I was on a job last year in Portland working on a house that had a fire,looking thru the pile of junk that was going in the dumpster,saw a crank handle sticking out and knew rite away what it was. So I now have a working cond Millers Falls also.

Thanks Jim for all the input you have all been helpful and it's greatly appreciated.