Well, we had a very busy weekend at the Old House and Barn Expo, in Manchester, NH this past weekend.

On Friday afternoon, we used two trailers and a pickup truck and moved all the timbers from the work site at the state park building to the expo center.

Saturday morning when I got there, several timber framers were present waiting for me:

Some of the finished timbers along the curtain wall as well as the raw stock we'd use to finish off the frame. Our easel with a drawing of the frame and other notices.

The guild booth was a very busy place. We sold raffle tickets for the shed as well as books from the guild and gave out lots of information about the Timber Framers Guild, it's members and what we do.

Bob working on a rafter, Kyle cutting a brace Garrett and Will working on a timber in the back .

Our newest guild member Pete Bouchard working on a post tenon.

We have just finished a test fit up of a wall assembly to ensure that it will all go together when we raise the frame. Bob is marking a peg hole in a brace tenon so we can draw bore the brace peg hole.

We talked to future timber framers of all ages.

I was very happy that the frame went together without any major errors:

Later on we'll help her and her husband erect this frame at their farm. And I'll post pictures of that event when it happens.

Thanks to all who helped the guild make a great presentation of our skills and craft.

Jim Rogers

Whatever you do, have fun doing it!