Regarding bracing,

The only 'Rule' is that braces be balanced, as in each brace leaning in one direction be counteracted by one leaning in the opposite direction.

Some people apply rules about there being a brace every X amount of meters, things like that, but there is no hard set universal rule about this.

Most 'rules' about bracing are regional characteristics and local architectural preference more than anything else. Some regions, for example, like to place the braces in the first cavity in from a corner or wall junction. Some like to put them in the second cavity. Some like to first lay out where all the windows and doors will be, and then put the braces wherever they will fit.
Sometimes braces are completely absent from exterior walls due to windows and doors taking up too much space, and the structure is stabilized by bracing in the interior walls and the stiffness of all the cross timbers involved in framing windows.

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