There is on the one hand, dutch barns, which I guess is what they've got to some degree or another over there in New York and that area, and there is Dutch barn which I was going on about and which really doesn't even exist as a type and is why I tried to be more specific by saying ankergebint which is a description of the construction employing the wedged and pinned joint and not the whole barn. But somebody brought the term up, I guess in the first sense that I mentioned, and that made me wonder where the term came from, and might that be helpful in understanding why the joint would be wedged and pinned. Could it be, I thought, that the term dutch barn has something to do with Dutch barns, in the second sense if you follow my meaning.
As far as using the wedge that is parallel to the length of that post, I'm not the one to say how commonly it gets done that way or not, I was just giving my observation of what I saw going on in that demo.