I stopped using SIP systems almost 3 decades ago...Just not a really good idea in my view...Quick perhaps, but definitely not "best practice," for enclosing and insulating timber frames...Transent architecture at best when done as a modular also...

That entire industry in my view is a bit of a "shell game"...(sorry that is the way I see it.) I should also validate that I have been both a "home inspector" and a state supervisor in Wildlife and Pest control (which is another "racket industry" with as much "congaming" as actual service)...I would say about 30% to 40% with sips and "noise" it is some type of "wee beasty" digging through the stuff...Squirrels (aka "Sciurids" of the Gray, Red, Flying variety) and other rodents LOVE the stuff and borrow through it with ease once inside a wall...and many Hynaptra (aka Ant species) too love to nest in it...!!!

Good Luck!!