Hello Roger,

Though perhaps "off point" I can appreciate (though not a Christian myself) the fineries of any scripture within Isaiah and any of the other Abrahamic faiths..Yet must admitt some unfamiliarity with the symbalance (or significance if any??) these passages may have as they may apply to the actual application or understanding of Line Layout in any of the traditional points of relevance to applying Line Layout within timber framing as it would be translated from the original languages I have translated it from?

As a Bodyguard to the Chaplains in active service during my times in the Marines it has been a long time since I have read these passages...Thanks for sharing them.

Perhaps (for clarity) I should have expanded my comment in context to read more clearly for those not more familiar with this system of layout in the traditional sense?

Line Rule has no bearing on either a reference edge or plane on a timber's surface other than point of context within the design, yet rather relies more precisely (or significantly?) on planes and/or rays within the timber itself represented by viewable points typically at each ends of a given timber...

Perhaps that describes is a bit clearer or concise??? I am always open to suggestions to refine the definitive understanding further and/or more clearly. Through Sean's questions and discussion on the topic over the years I do believe I have honed the description pretty well, and discussion like this only aids refinement further...Thank you.