Dag Nabbit Tim...now I'm home sick Man!!!

I really do miss Maine, and your friend is lucky...the WEMT Certs in Maine are simply unmatched until you get to perhaps Alaska and then there not better...just comparable. I have often tried to explain to those unfamiliar with Maine just how vast it is within regions of other parts of New England. It is very much like Alaska or parts of Wyoming or Montana. When we took ambulance duty (unlike most EMT basics from most regions) you became accustomed to the 2 to 3 hours you had to care for a patient...not the normal 10 to 20 minutes that most Emergency Care staff experience.

I missed that about Churches and Grange Hall before...sorry. It makes since though as many Timberwrights of that time periods had...niches...they worked in like Churches. Churches and other public building work often pulled in a Framer from some distance away (which you probably knew that) and it was there specialty, while the farmhouse or barn was often just a talented local person or the Farmer himself. I think there is a publication someplace about the historical Churches of Maine...If I find it, I will post a link to it.