I do believe that we have pretty well covered the working apparatus of the mill from the bottom to the level of the saw frame, but I am sure that some small items have not been covered
One might ask just how much water power is required to drive the mill, well as far as we can asertaIn running at full speed which is one hundred and twenty five Rpm a it requires an eight foot head of water and will consume approx twenty two hundred gallons per minute
Getting back to the saw frame and how it functions, well each down stroke of the blade will advance the frame with the log attached approx three eights of an inch, and the top of the blade being slightly ahead and out of the perpendicular. By one half inch allows the log to advance three eights of an inch on the up stoke without scraping the points of the teeth or trying to lift the log.
The up stroke also clears the saw dust still embedded In the cut. On a large log the cut can be in excess of the travel of the blade which is eighteen inches. Nine inches down and nine inches up which gives a total of eighteen inches, cuts can sometimes be twenty four inches in large logs which means that in the centre of the cut clearing the sawdust is a problem so a very slow speed is required to allow the. Sawdust to clear, this brings us to how the Miller can adjust the forward speed of the cut, another topic!,
We'll have to go Hope to hear from someone who might like to pose a question or say hello