just cleaning out an area where I stored old papers that I had accumulated over the last 50 years and stumbled across an old diary that I kept about 50 years ago, made very interesting reading even though I was the author (forgot all the entries)
The last entry was Nov 1 1971, only 32 at the time, the whole world seemed to have changed--I am now 80--and as you guessed it much has changed for sure--all my close neighbours are gone, including my parents, grandparents, close friends, and I could go on down the list, so what did I decide to do, you guessed it, I began to enter new items 48 years from the last post, should make interesting reading for someone in my family in the years to come
Having said that I encourage everyone to put down a few diary items and store it away--I found out by chance how interesting old entries can be
I ran across an old hydro bill for 1969 , it was for 3 months and believe it or not was a total of 29 dollars or 10 dollars a month, my last bill was 170 dollars for 1 month, and I was doing everything I could to keep it at that level, even with inflation figured in, hard to understand.
maybe some of you have had similar things happen I am sure that it would be enjoyable reading