We asked the TFG attorney to write us a disclaimer after a messy incident in which a perfectly nice woman found the perfect timber framer via ATE. She did not take the time to ask for any references, and was roundly disappointed and financially penalized in this association, for which she blames the TFG.

I like disclaimers in general, though I can deplore their necessity at the same time. Disclaimers should remind us that we are, in fact, responsible for our own actions; contrary to what deep tides of contemporary culture would have us believe.

If several of you think this particular disclaimer is too harsh, or too long, or too much or too little of anything, I am happy to sponsor a revision committee, whose (single) result I will submit to the attorney for analysis.

If you are of the opinion that we don't need a disclaimer at all, I will have to disagree. It makes a much sense to me as insurance.

If you don't like seeing the disclaimer every time you connect to ATE, I would suggest that you go directly to the forum you are interested in, since the disclaimer appears only on the intro page.

If you think the disclaimer should only appear when people register, I must disagree. The innocent are able to read ATE forums without registering; registration is only required of folks who want to contribute.

I do think our time would be well spent in revisiting the title of these forums.