Hello everyone tonite

Hi Jay, quite a reply, it took me and my old head a couple of reads to digest what you wrote down, and maybe what was in between the lines----

One question though, my photos that I posted using photobucket, will always be in their control, I expect that is their little prize for doing their posting thing for , am I not right?

I do carry a cell phone just for personal security, and having worked for the gov,t I needed a bank acct to get paid,everything is figures---you are right though everyone might just as well have a number tattooed right across our forehead

My main focus in all my posts was to,try and educate those that are interested in my career in the restoration field, this encompassed way more than just creating hewn timber, which is a very rewarding in itself, but led me in many different directions, as I had to use these hewn timbers to create period structures, which in itself again led me to work with historic tradesmen, like black smiths, historic masons, cabinet makers, horse powered equipment, water powered equipment, water powered mills,

So as I end this short essay, I salute all out there that drop in , and especially the timberframers guild who sponsors this site, and I might say that also must have thought that I had something special to say w hen I was invited to lecture a few years ago now

Richard casselman. UE