I will try to catch up in as succinctly a fashion as possible...
Originally Posted by northern hewer
Hi Jay, quite a reply, it took me and my old head a couple of reads to digest what you wrote down, and maybe what was in between the lines...One question though, my photos that I posted using photobucket, will always be in their control, I expect that is their little prize for doing their posting thing for , am I not right?
Control...perhaps, at least until they are bought or merged with another business entity, but as far as I know they do not “own” your photos or the copyright to them at all…
Originally Posted by northern hewer
I do carry a cell phone just for personal security, and having worked for the gov,t I needed a bank acct to get paid,everything is figures---
Almost all of us have been their Richard for sure at one time or another. I'm more detached now thankfully...
As an inactive U.S. Marine with security clearances and active FBI file (long story) I more than understand being connected and watched. Neither of these things ever really bothered me. It is part of being “in service” and those of us that are, do it willingly. One must learn to “be seen” without “being seen,” but that is an art within itself that is hard to muster. I certainly would not know how if not for being in the service...
Originally Posted by northern hewer
My main focus in all my posts was to,try and educate those that are interested in my career in the restoration field...
And...speaking for myself, that interest will never wane as long as you are willing to share! Thank you for doing so!
Originally Posted by northern hewer
I was just thinking today about working with rough, irregular sized, hewn timbers, like I have had to in the past to create an accurate reproduction of an existing building...I was just wondering if there are some of you that would take up the challenge, if the opportunity came your way!
I think there are many here Richard that not only “would” but have taken this up. I have followed the Burra Conventions ethos of “like for like in means, methods and materials,” for all my work in the conservation, restoration and/or replication of vintage fabrics be they textile, earth, ceramic, stone or timber. Any and all that actually do it professional at a museum or professional conservators level does. Of course that is way more so in places like Europe or within museums rather than the likes of the, “...This Old House…” types that are nothing more than general contractors that just happen to work on “old buildings,” and certainly not Restoration Experts as they are so often titled…
I’m not certain if you have a LinkedIn account Richard, but you would be more than welcome to join and share on the collective forum that I administer there. It's not much or significant group at all by comparison, only 5900 members but it is a very international collective of professionals, with more than ⅓ of my associations in the field from overseas. It covers everything from paintings and ceramics to furniture, plaster crafts, and of course timber framing too. It also, alas, has a lot of forced advertising too, but that aside its a great way to connect to other professionals that work at a higher level of craft within their given disciplines...especially those of us in mixed mediums and not just one. If you are a member of LinkedIn and/or join...look for: “Architecture and Vintage Materials Conservation, Restoration and Reconstruction” under “groups.”
Originally Posted by northern hewer
The work order would read something like this
That “work order” is stand practice and I would say actually “basic” in nature at its best. Anything less than that would not be a restoration effort at all but rather a general contracting project on an old building that someone is more keen to make a profit on rather than actually properly restore something...LOL..especially a nice old timber frame structure...I’m not certain about the power tools part, but I can promise that all is finished by hand and traditional tools are reached for the most...
Originally Posted by northern hewer
...I guess no one would answer this request for someone to be a leader on this project, I did suspect that someone out there might be interested, to not only show their skills but be part of rescuing a disappearing part of our history...
Didn’t see the request till tonight Richard, and I thought it was more hypothetical than real and tangible. Is this a project you are on or wanting to get support for?
Either way...such work is out there, but mainly oversees for the most part or in New England area where I have worked on and off since the 80’s with such work…