Hi everyone tonite

A winter nite here in the seaway valley.
When I think of the seaway construction, I think of the ruination of some of the oldest farms,orchards, resorts,and towns that was along the St Lawrence river, and I might add islands too, shame,

What we received in returns was a large lake with slow moving water, ruined fish spawning grounds, I could go on, but no one. Listens, soon no one will be left that remembers anyway

In the process we lost thousands of early houses, barns and drive sheds

Well we were promised cheap power, I can't really remember that happening

Thanks to a few individuals we rescued enough period buildings for UCV

Anyway sorry for my ramblings, but it is a real Shame what happened, yes I forgot something real impt in my book,all the cemeteries inundated imagine along with the old gas stations polluted land, still there just a few feet down, now they worry about trivial things

Bye for now