When you look at this original question by Rudy "when is the best time to cut timber" I am sure that you will have many variations of answers, depending on the country, temperate zone, and many other factors.
I personally live in a farming area where the only time that was proper for logging was winter. the sleighs were brought out of storage, and they were drawn up and down the bare roads to shine up the metal steel runners, and then blocked up to wait for the first snow fall, boy what loads you could pull when the conditions were right. Also don't forget that logging was only part of the equation, fire wood was a by product of logging a necessary item then as well as a cash crop.

If you lived where there was never any snow then your response certainly would be different, and then you could go on.
I am sure that in England and Germany the seasons created different approaches to the question originally posted by Rudy, but each in its own a valid response.