Hi all:
I have really enjoyed all the comments and comraderie, and one thing I have learned over the years is that people did things differently depending on where they come from, and another thing that I have learned is that to not question what has been done before, that doesn't mean that you can sure wonder why they did it a certain way though. As my final comment on this subject and this is for Ken --These German people came up into Upper Canada because they were leaving the area of New York that for about 80 years they had called home. They were very loyal to the British Crown and had fought on its side during the war of Independence, and felt compelled to remain loyal to Britain for the help that they had received about 1700 during their flight from their homeland. I am sure they picked up a few ideas from the British along the way, but one of them wasn't pinning braces in timberframes --great discussion----
The Northern Hewer-----