well I have one also to tell in this regard:

My father who if he was alive now would be 108 yrs young, and one day (1959)as a young man--I was about 20)-- he and I passed by an anchor post (red cedar) set in the corner of a field where he was raised, and he related to me that his older brother had dug the hole and put that post in when he was about 6 years old.

Now this anchor seemed to me to be in pretty good shape and from my calculations about 50 years old at that time. That anchor was removed about 10 years ago by a new owner of the property (1996), and I noticed the removal of it. The lower end was in very good condition, while at ground level it was half eaten away by decay.

The anchor was stoned in if this is of any help as was all anchors that were installed properly at that time,