I found this unanswered post in the archives and it is exactly the question I have, so I'm including it here. We are adding SIPS to an old timberframed ell - the 1st story is kind of like a big, 6' high crawlspace and I don't want to insulate it (we will do some minor foam insulation, but I don't want to pay for SIPS here), while the 2nd story is the insulated portion.

Q: If I put SIPS on these walls only on the 2nd story, how would I support them from the bottom (and do I need to)? The bottom of the SIPS would line up with the 2nd story floor which is constructed from 8x8" timbers.

I have a few ideas which I won't elaborate on - they involve brackets and/or bolting a 2x12 to the bottom of the plate.


posted 08-04-2001 03:07 PM
I am in the process of moving an old 30x40' barn to my site, and converting it into a home. I would like to use "Curtain Wall Stress Insulated Panels" (OSB, foam, drywall from the Winter Panel Co.) for all the exterior walls. What is the best method for supporting these panels? Do I need to support them with an extra wide foundation wall ($$$), or can I use some sort of support which extends out from beneath the sill, or do these panels even need to be supported from the bottom?