As others pointed out strapping to the 2x12 has risk. Using an "L" bracket screwed to the 2x12 is also suspect unless the horizontal section is also jbolted into the concrete thru the 2x12/
Leads me back to my next previous response, a 3/16 steel strap lagged into the exterior post face and passing thru a slot in the 2x12 then in turn expoxied and lagged into the concrete will give you the greatest hold down. There are epoxy cylinders which are inserted in your drilled holes in the concrete which crush from the lag screw. Net is very very strong connection. Don't let a hurricane turn your castle into matchsticks.
There are other systems more complex in execution but this method is in my view the best compromise for strenght and ease of execution. In some cases the outside face of the post has been routed to the depth and shape of the steel strap so the face of the post is still one plane.
Hope this helps.