Mike: One way to find a timber framer in your area is to go to the timber framers guild home page and click on 'resource guide' in the upper right hand corner. Then click on timber framer and enter your area. This should give you a list of timber framers in your area with names, addresses and phone numbers. You could try emailing them if their email address is listed.
In the resource guide is also a company listed that makes pegs for timber framing.
Or you could make your own, by splitting the wood and then shaping them to size using a drawn knife. It depends on what you want to do, or how you want to correctly restore your frame.
At the Cuvilly barn 'un-raising' we numbered all the pegs with their location so that if, in good condition, they could be reused. Some will have to be replaced as they were broken, or drilled out.

Good luck with your project and keep asking questions.

Whatever you do, have fun doing it!