Just a few personal observations:

There has been some talk about a Timber Frame companies trade association to deal with the types of common non competitive issues that we all face.

This might include such things as:
Timber grades, issues relating to NHBC, Mortgauges for Frames, Insurance of frames Non specific PR, Structral Engineering problems Building regs issues.

I feel that it would be a very good idea to keep the 'companies' out of the Carpenters Fellowship, and that a separate group to deal with boring business issues would be to the general benefit.

The carpenters can then advance non partisan projects with out commercial pressures.

Moving on Isn't Westonbirt a suitable venue, for the Bank Holiday, wouldn't the Fiends (sic) of Westonbirt let Henry use their new (suitable) Building.

Apart from the fact that Westonbirt is close to where I live it does have some advantages,
again its reasonably neutral,(as compared to one of the open air museums, where we would have to chose one over the rest), they already have an covering event, with on-site facilities we could benefit from etc.

I have to say Im not wild about the name, I thought we had agreed at the initial session that we would leave the choice of name until the first 'conference'

Lastly as to our first project, why not build something that reflects the CRAFT, somting that's not not boring, that we can site somewhere in neutral territory so that
there are again no 'partisan' issues
This project could be built to showcase the best of Timber frame, yet still be small.
We could offer it to our hosts at whichever venue we end up using as payment for using their site (somewhere widely visited by the public, like an open air museum) that
demonstrates the genre / vernacular of timber frame, We by way of information boards)show theaims objectives and activities of the 'fellows'

lastly It is also my impression that the UK group is very much for, and centred on those who timerframe for a living,
rather than the likes of the TFG which welcomes a broad church.
You should be aware that already there are mutterings that the current group
appears to be the "Green, Eco-building no Powertools, under 35, living in the South West Carpenters Club"
And whilst I can sympathise with a very hands-on focus, it may be that limiting the criteria for membership, will keep us from attaining the critical mass required to achieve lasting


The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity


The Optimist sees Opportunity in every difficulty