Dear Ken,

Thanks for your reply regarding the Carpenters Fellowship. It's good to hear it's still afloat.

As outlined in my initial posting, I sent e-mails to both Nigel Challis & Iso Barnden requesting a confirmation that the cheque etc had been received and that everything was in order (as I do not hold too much faith in the Royal Mail anymore). Maybe the e-mail address (from the website)I sent them to are not in use anymore? I am sure it will all come out in the wash.

Ever since moving North from the sunny climes of Sussex a few years ago, I have been meaning to take a trip down to Frame 2002 and other prevous events, however something always seems bugger up my plans and I am not able to attend. This leaves me feeling a bit isolated with regards to what is happening in the world of timber framing etc, as not much of it seems to happen in the bonnie highlands of Scotland.

As for a timber talking, festive framing, beer swilling, highland fling mini break, or any kind of get together with like minded souls, I think it's a great idea and welcome any intrest or suggestions. Any Takers.......

