Hello. Doing some research to find out more about the new microwave kiln technology and its effects on larger timbers. Trying to create a plan of attack for a new project. I would be thrilled to have your input.

I am considering microwave tech to dry some old growth soft wood blow down timbers I am harvesting.

I have several questions. Thank you for making an effort to assist me. #1 What seems to be the consensus on the pluses and minuses on this new technology as it would apply to timber framing? #2 Do you have any sources for people doing RF microwave drying on large scale timbers? #3 If you had the option to air dry extremely wet (25-40% MC) soft wood timbers for four months prior to construction, use a low tec, kiln for drying, or explore microwave kiln drying, which way would you go? These timbers will ultimately leave an extremely wet northern environment to be utilized as a timber frame in a dry mountian climate averaging 6%-8% M.C. The lumber will be cut from beautiful blown down, old growth whole logs we are salvaging and I would like to make an attempt to give this wood the best shot at being happy as timbers in this new environment.

With great respect,