Hello All:
Just a few remarks, I could not agree strongly enough with the suggestions of the other contributors:
-the use of hard hats and other safety equipment,
-make sure eveyone knows how and what is taking place by getting everyone together and having a few minutes of instruction, this could be very important if an accident should happen-it can be pointed out that safety instruction took place prior to the accident.
-by all means use a crane to disassemble the frame over using a gin pole which is tricky at the best of times, and probably no cheaper in the end
-In my experience dissasembling historic frameworks we also disassembled the roof down to the purlins, and then methodically pushed out the wooden pins one by one and inserting smaller steel pins to temporarily hold things together, that way the disassembly was quickly done when the expensive crane was on site,
We lifted the cross bents out intact and laid them down for disassembly in a horizontal position on the ground.
Don't forget to document each piece for reassembly!!
The Northern Hewer