HI Stan:
Your CV stands uncontested.
I am a carpenter.
If I was to try to fine tune a highly evolved sales, design, procurement, production, delivery, erection system and improve market sensitivity and share based on geographic cultural preference or perceived fashion I would integrate specialty consultants to your system.
Real estate development design and thematic design and timber frame design may not be in one person or firm so team building may be required.
Knowing what will sell and how best to sell it are also specialty trades.

Since capital must be satified the low bidder (often) dispenses with quality to make a bid which was calculated poorly. This only happens once in a good system but the damage is done. Abusing suppliers is the best way to eliminate qualified contractors that know what the work really costs.

Concrete: Specify reasonable tolerances based on field experiences and design your systems to accomodate this tolerance. Pay the price for the right contractor. Develop post-casting alignment systems that can be tuned to your tolerance.

AB: ditto. even if you place it yourself.

In my opinion.

Wishing you continued success.
