Iltis Oxhead for lighter scoring. You are right to consider granfors, anything I've gotten from them is excellent.
I took an older western style broadaxe and cut it down from a 13" blade to a 9" blade, so I could swing it. Those old hewers must have had a lot of muscle....
I have a scoring axe I really like that I got from Lee Valley a few years back. The name on the axe is Biber, and i cannot find this axe anymore. The axe has about a 7 or 8 inch cutting edge and weighs probably around 4 or 5 pounds. It has a slim blade and scores like the devil. Check out the photo below to see the profile...

I also have an older austian broadaxe which I use 99 % of the time for hewing. Below is a photo of the broadaxe, the Biber, the Iltis and my Japanese hatchet

Not that easy to find hewing tools as not that many people doing it.