I recently acquired a few axe heads that either had no handles or ones that needed to be replaced. I was wondering if anyone has any helpful techniques to offer on hanging a new handle to both a felling axe and also to a broad axe or broad hatchet? Specifically which types of wood: hickory, oak, hornbeam, etc.. are suitable? is it better the wood be dried or green? to cut a slit or not in the top of the handle to help the wedges expand within the head? wood or steel wedges are better or both? Or even some more experimental techniques like Jim Rogers talks of by submerging the end in red hot sand and then slipping it into the head so the wood will expand within the head as the moisture seeps back into the end of the handle.Many questions come to mind as I prepare to try to fit a new handle to my vintage axe heads. Any insights are a great help as I know literally nothing about this technique. Also would adze heads be fitted similarly? Thanks tb