That picture is actually from their website... The Gateway arch is one I have been coveting but haven't had the cash to invest in.

I did get a chance to play their new Mark 7 briefly... I had it for a week but we got hammered with snow the day after I picked it up. :rolleyes:

The Mark 7 has tongs that can be positioned in a low or high position for small or large logs (up to 25" diameter), can be equipped with a tow hitch or a long T handle for manual work. I was quite impressed with it's performance, using the T handle I was able to pick up and manuever (up hill) a ~1250# log single handedly.

The arches are now being produced by LogRite (makers of the worlds best peavies and cant hooks) so the Mark 7 is wearing LogRite blue. I've seen the entire line of arches there and can attest to their solidity and construction quality.

LogRite also has a decent line of timber framing hammers, which is why I thought a timber cart and timber wrench would make a good addition to their tool lineup.

I have a gallery of Mark 7 arch pictures on the Foresty Forum, otherwise it's so new it doesn't appear on the websites yet:

I think for a timber framer the junior arch in combination with one of the larger models (which one depends on your existing equipment, tractor, atv, winch etc.) would be the hot setup. They have a DVD available that goes over the entire Future Forestry line in detail.

Raphael D. Swift
DBA: DreamScapes